Sunday, April 26, 2009


i don't feel like waiting around.
i can do this on my own, and i will be doing it a lot more in the next few days.
i'm dropping out of this game and in the meantime, i'm going to clear the clutter.
steps for the next week:

  1. new hard drive, new bras, contact lenses (monday-wednesday. thursday if necessary)
  2. band time! (tuesday)
  3. 2 new pairs of jeans (monday)
  4. clean closet, drink a litre of water (monday)
  5. job interview (thursday)
  6. sleep at least 7 hours (every day)
  7. organize countless notebooks, binders and loose pages of song lyrics (at least 15 minutes daily)
  8. work out regularly (every second day)
  9. fall in love with something new (by saturday)
i want to go on a field trip to ikea.

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