Monday, October 29, 2007

Here it Goes

Tearing up the days in a good mood.
Feeling lucky, feeling content.
"Thanks" I say, "but no, I'm not getting laid"

I find it funny that whenever I have good weeks, it has to be because of something now. I've been having mood problems for years, and maybe I'm defined by them. It's not a big deal, I'm not offended. I know it's a joke. I just find it odd and slightly alarming that when I am in a good mood it is presumed I'm getting sex or I'm on drugs. I think I've just started to be seen as a distressed person. I don't like that.

In other news, I fucked up. This might be the one midterm I've ever had that I am worried about flunking. Want to know something surprising? It was my Drama midterm. Ugh. That was so dissapointing.... in fact, so dissapointing, i am embarassed bringing up details, so I'll pass on that.

I made 3 loaves of banana bread yesterday. They are fantastic. I also ended up sleeping the whole evening to have the whole cycle repeated. I can't sleep lately. I go to sleep, wake up a while later and end up feeling sick to my stomache. Full blown nausea, back pain, headaches, dizzy spells... Only at night. Then during the day I'm fine and I sleep.

I get a massage in 1.5 hrs. I am hoping that will fix the sleeping, the pain, the posture... Oh and I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. I'm not going to enjoy it, but I'm going.

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