Friday, March 28, 2008

i hope there's wind enough to take you where you want to go.

i love the fetal position.
sigur ros DOES sound like being inside a womb.

i had the most terrible dream today that made me realize that life is moving too fast for me again. i'm standing perfectly still and all i can see are streams of people who have contrasting jackets and heavy griefcases.

i don't want to grow up to be miserable.

remember to stop me when i start to feel too heavy. or when i start to complain about the weight of the atmosphere on my shoulders. i came here to love, so open your arms and let me in.

i need a lazy sunday in the bed of someone lovely.


dave said...


that, being uh. cool retro pirate speak.

not i'm derogatory towards women because i think you're all inferior. talk.

i felt like leaving a reply as i randomly stumbled upon this.

you see, one of my friends and i recently went to see that movie the bucket list. you should see it if you haven't, it's actually quite a good film actually. lighthearted but, cleverly written. the ending almost made me... emotional. i won't even say that "c" word.

anyway as i was going to say, as we were driving home in the usual afternoon traffic we heard on JOE FM this commercial claiming humans spend over 3 years of our lives on average commuting to and from friends, to work, back from work, to and from family and so forth. she was like; "3 years..? what a total waste of time. i could almost do my bachelors in three years."

i thought about that, then figured.. okay, let's put this into prospective here. we're technically born without say. and we continue to have no say or control of our lives as for the first perhaps five years our parents teach us the basics of life. (+5) / 5

we then spend roughly the next 13 years in (mandatory!) school learning math, sciences, about life & culture past and present - to socialize, social skills, social in general; all kinds of subjects including rather excellent english skills such as yourself. we will then graduate. (+13) / 18

some of us will pursue some kind of post secondary degree. some of us wont, most of us though will check out college in hopes to make a better future and career for ourselves. (+4) / 22

after we discover that career, on average we will work for 30 years. at the end of it, everyone who matters now in your life probably won't still be there; you'll have made new friends and discarded or lost touch with the old. we will, have this grand retirement party held in our honor and exclaim shortly thereafter we will now use our free time to tour (whatever by then i suppose will be left of) the world. ! :) (+30) / 52

we spend, on average 20-25 years (or roughly a third) of our lives asleep. that's (again on average) 8 hours a day. 56 hours a week, 240 hours a month and 2920 hours a year. we will almost sleep as much as we tirelessly slave over the careers and paths we make for ourselves. (+25) / 77

and let's not forget, we apparently commute on average for 3 years. (+3) / 80

the average life expectancy in canada is 80.2 years.

you are absolutely right in thinking life is short.

because it really, really is.

more so than most think.

so dance and have fun while you're still young!

i hope you enjoy my novel.

and hopefully this lazy sunday for you is today.

and hmm, to a lesser extent vibration free.

sarah frances said...


I loved the novel.

dave said...

haha well that's a partial relief, i thought it came out pretty abstract and absent minded.

what was the dream even about anyway?

made me wonder how strong it had to be to have that kind of after effect. the last dream i had, was hm.. i was running away from this sniper the police failed to catch, who for some reason was chasing me with a shotgun (.. yeah, excellent quiet sniper weapon there). he corned me in this alley and, for some reason was wearing a mask. and right when he pulled the trigger, i woke up.

apparently to realize i had fallen asleep with my TV on. the show on was some "FX: the series" and the plot was the police failed to catch a sniper and now he was running around on the loose.

funny how the mind works sometimes.