Thursday, November 8, 2007

NOBODY expects the Spanish inquisition!

The past couple days have been great, considering I've been feeling like dogshit for the majority of the last month. I woke up yesterday and felt like a good day was coming. I was right.

Today was very much the greatest day. Classes went good. By good, I mean... we talked. A lot. Not a lot by normal people standards, but girl with a crush standards. The other part that made my day, was I made him laugh. With a randomly, well timed Monty Python reference. WHIIIIICHHHH means, he likes the 'thon. That's great news.

I had my meeting with my drama prof that gave me a D. It went really well. I explained circumstances beyond my control and we had a great chat that ended up in me crying (as usual) and getting a hug, which i basically what I needed for the past 2 weeks but never got. I feel more relaxed because I finally got to talk about things. I really shouldn't be so secretive.

I saw a play last night and am now bumming around till 6 where I will buy tickets to see another play tonight. I wasted time by going to west ed. I found a dress for 3 dollars. Srsly. Then went to T&T for lunch and bubble milk. I also bought coconut milk so I can make rice. I'm going to master the art of coconut rice if it kills me. I also found a laptop case for 10 bucks at Urban. I love sales.

I'm thinking of taking a nap before the play. Maybe I'll head to SUB and sleep on a couch somewhere for a bit. Tomorrow is Padmanadi Buffet Day and I'm applying for a credit card and buying a kettle.

GADD time!

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