Saturday, January 5, 2008


Alright, so the new year hath come and gone.
The big night itself was so much fun. Of course I binged on my drug of choice, the worst part is I don't even remember drinking that much. However, I met some sweet people and had a great night with my gang.

I've been pretty content with how this year is shaping up. My room is almost completely organized and purged of all things I don't need... I'm ready for school to start bla bla bla.

I saw Juno with Jeffrey yesterday, man what a great movie. It made me feel warm and fuzzy. I also spent time with Michal last night, whom I haven't seen since school.

I have been doing a lot of shopping lately though, and as terrible as it is on my credit card balance, it's doing wonders for me. I never buy clothes, I do, but they do nothing for me. Lately I've been spending more time finding things that fit and compliment me instead of finding things that are cheap. It's doing wonders for my confidence, that's fer sure.

Not to mention, with the addition of 40 more gigs on my ipod, I've been finding awesome music. Danse Parties abound.

In terms of resolutions this year, I think my main one is to just take better care of myself. I need to eat. This grazing thing I've been doing is leading up to weight gain, bad skin and no energy.... so I'll try to cut that out...

and I want to date a musician. For serious. I think this is the year.

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